Creative Process Breakdown:

Client Case study: St. George's International School (some content I will be interpreting to my own brand for copyright purposes)

Completion Time: 3 - 5 Days

social post / promotional video

step 1:

1. Understanding brand identity

2. Analyse mission statement from client website

3. View previous creative content

step 2:

Logo Animation Process:

Client Case study: With my understanding of the brief (i.e. a dynamic video that emphasizes academic excellence to adults but still engages children).

I begin pre-visualizing the logo with my comprehension of the brand and target audience in mind.

Annotating the logo, imagining the exciting visual potential & exploring creative ideas on paper.



Playing around with different features on after-effects such as strokes, scaling, opacity, rotation & positioning (etc) until I’m satisfied with the animation.

Organize & colour code layers

step 3:

Editing Process:

1. Sort through raw footage on Premiere Pro, categorizing & organizing the best clips into different bins (what they call folders on Premiere).

2. Colour-grade raw footage to be aesthetically pleasing, balanced & vibrant.

3. Music! Once I know the music, I will start scripting an edit on paper with the beat in mind. The music will set the tone & pace for the “final” edit.

4. For lower 3rds (info boxes in the final edit), I use chat GPT ai tool to generate copy from St. George’s International School’s mission statement online and amend sentences where necessary.

step 4:

Client feedback:

I aim to make communication as seamless as possible. Explaining my creative decision-making and gathering insight into what the client wants to change.

I find creating quick visual mock-ups to be beneficial in understanding what the client wants.

Clarity is a valuable tool as it saves time towards reaching a completed project.

step 5 (the final step):

Final Draft:

After back ‘n’ forth with the client & the final amendments have been made. A final draft is submitted, ready to go live on any platform the client desires.

Promotional Video

Social Post